Friday, September 24, 2021

My board game

 For main star I had to create a Board game here is my Game.


  1. Hi Noah this is Riley. I like the idea of whoever gets the most marbles wins and the things you need and also the set intructions. You could work on making the game a bit longer but some people might like short games. Overall i think many will enjoy this game!

  2. Hi Noah, this is a great game. What if you make the cards have "truth or dare" on them? That could be hilarious! You could have a card that asks what is your most embarrassing moment and if you choose not to answer the dare could be to drink some water standing on your head! However, Aunty would be exempt of course! So, just to make the game perfect, check for typos... you spell marbles correctly in the title but typos in the instructions. Also, to roll is the verb when you are rolling something and "role" is the noun when you are taking a role i.e. the lead role in the school play). P.S I really like your blog introduction too. It's nice that you show how much you care for your family... xx


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