Friday, August 13, 2021

memory poem


Miss Power challenged the class T1 to make a Memory poem here is mine.


  1. Wow Noah I love this! It's so evocative. I remember wonderful days of summer riding my bike with my friends. We weren't so lucky. We didn't have rain forest tracks we had tarmac covered roads to come whizzing down. We still loved it though. Happy Days indeed! xx

  2. Playing Games Childhood Memory:

    30, 29, 28, 27 and they run in a burst and scatter
    One of us stays by the can, me, eyes closed and counting down
    26, 25...19...12...5, 4,.. nearly there and the tension is high
    Mind racing...where have they gone? Will I find them?
    And the can stands... in the middle of the path...
    3, 2, 1 time to search, scan, hunt, hope
    So tentative, creep one way, look, dare round the corner
    No sign, look back at the can, exposed, alone... safe?
    Try the other way, down the road, no sign still
    Back to that can, don't let it be kicked, guard it... but leave it... agony
    Stretch the distance, hold your breath, don't leave the can too far behind
    No sign, no-one, where have they gone?
    Is that a movement in the trees, or just the breeze?
    No sign, no-one, dare I go on to look for the hidden ones?
    Squeal behind me... right across the field... sprinting, fast...
    Me too now, me too, turn on my heel and sprinting...
    Gotta get back or he'll kick the can...
    Running, running, lungs burning, legs pounding
    And arghhh! He kicks it.... I'm just too late!
    We laugh so loud as we pant and the hidden laughing faces appear!
    Your turn now... close your eyes and start counting...

  3. Ask mummy about "Kick the can..."


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